ROHDE Atelier is a sub-brand of the traditional ROHDE manufacturer, established in 2023 as part of their innovative D2C strategy and a broader rejuvenation of the brand, aimed at a social-media-savvy audience.

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Art Direction
Brand Positioning
Brand Communication
Business Intelligence
Campaign Development
Content Strategy
Content Production
Multi-Channel Marketing
Product Photography
Social-Media Advertising
Social-Media Management
Social-Media Strategy


ROHDE experienced a 25% revenue growth from 2020 to 2021 but now faces the challenge of retaining loyal B2B customers aged 45 to 54 while simultaneously attracting younger online shoppers. The focus is on establishing a D2C strategy that appeals to a younger demographic online. The seasonal collections emphasize refreshing the product offerings without jeopardizing long-standing B2B relationships and sales among older customers.

ROHDE must find a way to satisfy both audiences—a balancing act that is crucial for the brand's future success.


Our strategic consultation led to the creation of a distinct D2C collection and the launch of an exclusive sub-brand, "ROHDE Atelier," designed to clearly separate the D2C and B2B strategies.

The "Atelier" label is intended to symbolize a fusion of high-end design and traditional craftsmanship, drawing on ROHDE's 150-year history and expertise. The collection was to be strictly exclusive, with an initially limited edition available only through ROHDE's online shop, clearly differentiating it from the B2B segment.

For the brand identity on social media and within the collection, we developed a distinctive color scheme, based on vibrant yet harmonious color combinations, making "ROHDE Atelier" unmistakable.

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Success in the First Year of Sales

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D2C GROWTH RATE 2023 VS. 2022





“The goal was to create a completely new look & feel that clearly distinguishes itself from the other collections and that speaks to an audience that is younger and more trend and design oriented. We wanted to create truly aesthetic images that highlight these statement-shoes but at the same time celebrate the brave and bold nature of the modern woman. And with all modesty, I have to say: We nailed it!”


Lookbook Shooting &
Social-Media Content

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The decision to highlight the "ROHDE Atelier" collection with vibrant summer trend colors was no coincidence. It was based on a post-purchase survey from 2022, which revealed the importance of color in the purchasing decisions of our target audience.

To amplify the intensity of these colors and visually distinguish the collection from the classic B2B line, we transformed the entire studio atmosphere into a unique complementary color concept. In collaboration with the photographer duo Sallyhateswing and lighting designer Thilo Erward, we created a dynamic RGB lighting system that allowed us to achieve a striking color scheme with bold hues and harmonious contrasts in every image.

Product Photography

To ensure a consistent visual narrative across the online shop, we intentionally incorporated close-up shots of each model during the lookbook shoot. These images were carefully combined with product cutouts, for which we produced four variations for each model. Complemented by a full-look image, this approach created a cohesive visual language.

This method ensures a seamless visual consistency throughout the "ROHDE Atelier" collection, drawing a red thread from social media to the product pages in the online shop. This not only strengthens brand identity but also enhances the customer experience in the digital space, making it both seamless and engaging.

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Social-Media Ads

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ROHDE Atelier was specifically designed for social media placement, with the long-term goal of capturing a younger, more fashion-forward audience. The most significant revenue driver was the strategic use of social media ads on Instagram and Facebook.

The campaign achieved an impressive Return on Ad Spend (ROAS) of 5.35 throughout the entire season. This success not only reflects the strong consumer response to our ads but also underscores the collection's powerful appeal. A particular highlight was the "Atelier N°1" model, which became the best-selling product across all ROHDE lines during the Spring/Summer 2023 season.



Product-Level Business Intelligence

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Our successful use of social media ads was underpinned by robust business intelligence data. Through "Early Market Tests," we identified the products with the highest sales potential right at the start of the sales period. This early insight allowed us to make timely adjustments to inventory and strategically boost sales of the "ROHDE Atelier" collection in the online store.


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The launch of the "ROHDE Atelier" collection marked a pivotal moment in ROHDE's history, successfully positioning the brand on social media. Debuting in April 2023, ROHDE made a bold statement in the D2C segment, supported by a carefully crafted strategy tailored to the preferences and needs of its target audience.

Featuring vibrant summer colors and a blend of high-end design with traditional craftsmanship, the collection was informed by key insights from a 2022 post-purchase survey. This strategic approach, enhanced by a unique color concept, resulted in impressive sales figures: Over 2,800 units of the "ROHDE Atelier" collection were sold, boosting D2C online sales by an impressive 76.50% compared to the previous year.

Given this success, it's no surprise that "ROHDE Atelier" will continue into 2024. We are proud to have played a vital role in this milestone and look forward to supporting the brand’s ongoing growth and development in the years to come.

BENCHMARKED is a german digital marketing and consulting fashion agency, that combines data science with expert industry knowledge to build better brands and products.